How workplace mediation can resolve work-from-home disputes - Marcia Mediation

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The rollout of Coronavirus vaccines means that – variants permitting – we can all begin to return to a lifestyle that more closely resembles ‘normal’.

However, after a year of working from home where possible, many employees might have new ideas about what ‘normal’ should look like. Some employers are likely to have changed their views, too.

In the weeks and months ahead, we anticipate an increase in workplace disputes relating to the right to work from home, for example:

  • Employees who demand the right to continue working from home.
  • Employers who want to force staff to work remotely or in the office.
  • Employees whose productivity has dropped significantly working remotely.

This is not an easy area. Employees have had the right to request flexible working conditions for many years already, but employers have only been required to give those requests reasonable consideration.


Likely workplace disputes after the pandemic ends

After a year of working remotely, more employees might have grounds to argue that they have proved they can do their job successfully without being in the office.

In addition, despite the generally improving picture regarding the COVID-19 pandemic, some staff might still argue that they do not feel it is safe for them to return to the physical workplace.

This contrasts with those who have found working from home extremely difficult due to a lack of space, too many distractions, or unsuitable computer equipment, etc.

Although there are certain specific workplace disputes likely to arise after lockdown ends, there will no doubt be an entire spectrum of very specific points of view, and this is where business mediators can help.


Why go to business mediation for employee disputes?

The faster you can resolve workplace disputes, the less risk there is of them becoming major legal issues or going to employment tribunals.

While this does not mean employers should acquiesce to demands from employees, experienced business mediators can help you to find a middle ground and a reasonable compromise.

In the current circumstances, that might mean a time-limited extension to the right to work from home, or a flexible working pattern with only some days each week where the employee is required to attend the physical workplace.

For further reasons as to why workplace mediation can be the ideal solution for your workplace disputes please read our blog.


How Marcia Mediation can help businesses

The past year has been challenging and all the changes mean it is not always immediately obvious if an employee’s request is fair and reasonable, or if the employer has an obligation to agree to the requested terms.

Business mediation is a solution to this problem, by working amicably through any points of dispute, so that both the employer and the employee feel satisfied with the arrangements that are made.

At Marcia Mediation, we have worked with businesses before and during the pandemic on a wide variety of different issues, from employees to directors and boardroom disputes.

We will continue to help companies make progress on disputes relating to working from home, as well as other disagreements, in the post-pandemic era.

To find out more or to enquire about a specific issue you are already facing, contact our business mediation team today.


Could mediation help you?
Speak to us today.

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