How to move forward from divorce in a pandemic - Marcia Mediation

At Marcia Mediation, we adopt a forward-focused approach to financial mediation and the division of assets. ...

The Coronavirus pandemic has forced many households to spend almost all of their time together at home. At the same time lockdown and social distancing measures have removed the option to see friends and family face-to-face, or to use hospitality venues as a way to get out of the house.

If this has left you feeling isolated and unhappy in your marriage or civil partnership, you’re not alone. We know from previous years that there is a surge in divorce enquiries after Christmas and New Year as households look to make a fresh start after the holidays.

Although the COVID-19 pandemic is a very different situation, there are some similarities with the way people think about divorce over Christmas, for example:

  • “I haven’t enjoyed spending so much time together.”
  • “Let’s get through this and then make a decision.”
  • “I want to move forward from this more positively.”

Delays in processing divorces early in lockdown have also left a backlog to be dealt with – so people who file for divorce after lockdown ends will be adding to an already higher than usual number of active cases.

Will we see a second spike in post-lockdown divorces?

We have already been through one post-lockdown period, when restrictions were eased during summer 2020, around the Eat Out to Help Out period.

In the run-up to that time, Citizens Advice saw a surge in visits to their Getting a Divorce web page, especially on Sundays. From mid-May as restrictions relaxed, it ranked in the top five most visited pages on Sundays each week.

And in June, Co-op Legal Services reported a 40% increase in divorce enquiries, rising to a 75% spike in some weeks during the pandemic.

With a Christmas and New Year in relatively recent memory, it’s likely that any second spike in divorce petitions after lockdown could be even higher this time around.

How to build a brighter future post-pandemic

If you decide to separate from a partner during lockdown or as we move into the post-pandemic period, mediators are here to help.

We can offer remote mediation with online mediation sessions, using free software like Skype, Zoom and Teams, or even telephone mediation to discuss your case.

The courts are making progress with the remaining backlog of divorce petitions, so there’s no reason to delay any longer than necessary, and no need to worry that you will be unable to divorce due to the pandemic – the divorce courts are open, and so are we.

Finally, as always, if your domestic situation is currently unsafe, please consider leaving. You are allowed to do so under lockdown rules, for your own safety, and you should not feel trapped in a household where you are under physical or psychological threat.

To find out more about divorcing in lockdown and how you can move on from the pandemic with a firmer foundation for your family, contact Marcia Mediation today and we will be happy to discuss your options.


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