How mediation can shelter you from the divorce storm - Marcia Mediation

At Marcia Mediation, we adopt a forward-focused approach to financial mediation and the division of assets. ...

For Day Two of Family Mediation Week, the focus is on seeking shelter from the storm through mediation exploring the service a mediator provides and how this could benefit your family, how much mediation costs and what child-inclusive mediation is.

It’s difficult to hear the word divorce and imagine anything positive about the process, however, there is a less stressful, cheaper and more dignified alternative than dragging the whole family through a lengthy court process. That alternative is child-inclusive mediation.


What is mediation? –

Divorce can put a lot of stress on a family. Separating is difficult for both adults and children, but going through the court systems can be far more upsetting for children. Unlike solicitors, mediators act in the interests of all the parties involved and aim to make the experience less distressing for all members of the family.

During the mediation process, mediators aim to bring your divorce or separation case to a mutually agreeable resolution.  This gives all parties involved more control by putting the decision making in their hands rather than leaving it to a judge in a court hearing. Mediators will listen to parents and children’s views and opinions on matters such as shared care and the dividends of property and will then try to find a solution that suits everyone involved.


How will I afford mediation? –

Mediation is generally a more cost effective and quicker forum to solve disputes. This reduces legal fees and means mediation takes less time than going to court, which reduces emotional tax too.

By coming to a quicker agreement between parents, this allows lawyers to do their part more effectively, cutting down their costs significantly and again keeping families out of the family courts which further reduces stress and anxiety levels.


What is child-inclusive mediation? –

For many families, keeping children away from the stress of the court system is very important, but children can feel anxious if they are not involved in the process. This is why child-inclusive mediation aims to include children throughout every stage of the process, giving them a say in their own future.

Inclusive child mediation prevents children from feeling powerless about their situation, when many are mature enough to have a say in their future.

Even if the children are not old enough to make a decision in their future, mediation will allow them to feel less ‘left-out’ when it comes to decision making on their behalf and reduces stress on the family as a whole.

While the final decision is always likely to be a compromise, child-inclusive mediation makes sure the child’s voice is heard, so the arrangements made on issues like where the children live and how often they see the other parent are more likely to be satisfying to both parents and to the child too – equipping everyone for a brighter family future, whatever the outcome.


Consider mediation –

Child inclusive mediation is an inclusive process that involves children and ensures their voices are heard. Mediators can meet with children one-on-one to understand their perspective on the situation, especially hearing their preferences in living situations. If you would like to find out more about child-inclusive mediation, click here.


About Marcia

A pioneer for mediation since commencing legal practice as a family solicitor some seventeen years ago Marcia has worked exclusively as an independent mediator since 2004, focussing initially on family mediation, and latterly on workplace mediation. Marcia’s accreditations include Family Mediation and she is a qualified child consultant practitioner. Her associations include the Professional Mediators Association and Resolution. Marcia is also a Resolution qualified Professional Practice Consultant (PPC). If you would like to resolve your separation issues through mediation please get in touch.

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