Divorce mediation in Didsbury Services - Greater Manchester - Marcia Mediation

At Marcia Mediation, we adopt a forward-focused approach to financial mediation and the division of assets. ...

Marcia Mediation's divorce mediation in Didsbury provides the services needed by local households to deal with separation, not only including divorce but also civil partnership dissolution and related issues like child residential arrangements and financial settlements.

We work positively and proactively, to listen to the interests and concerns of all involved parties, including children and other caregivers (e.g. grandparents) where appropriate. The aim is always to reach a mutually agreeable outcome, so all parties can proceed optimistically into the future. A happy, stress-free result is the goal of our Didsbury divorce mediation services at all times.

Why choose Didsbury divorce mediation from Marcia Mediation?

We are proud to provide high-quality Didsbury divorce mediation services, which have earned us a strong reputation and high regard across South Manchester and beyond.

Didsbury is a vibrant and diverse community, so it is important to work with mediators who take the time to understand and appreciate your unique circumstances, so they can tailor any arrangements to better suit your household.

This is why we engage with children, grandparents and other affected parties where it is appropriate to do so, in order to provide the best possible divorce mediation in Didsbury.

About our Didsbury divorce mediation

Any divorce now begins with an MIAM. This is a Mediation Information & Assessment Meeting and you will not be allowed to go to court until you have attended one.

To make this as easy as possible for busy residents, our Didsbury MIAM meetings can take place remotely, via telephone or webcam. We can hold separate sessions with you and your spouse, if you would prefer not to attend together.

We apply the same concepts to our Didsbury divorce mediation services if you choose to proceed. Remote mediation via telephone or webcam is available and increasingly popular among our Didsbury clients.

Shuttle mediation is another option, where your mediator passes messages back and forth between the involved parties, and this can enable progress to be made when communication has broken down.

Our divorce mediation in Didsbury

Marcia Mediation’s divorce mediators in Didsbury will always try to accommodate varying needs on behalf of our clients.

As an example, we have considerable experience across all of the following very different areas:

We can provide family mediation in Didsbury for unusual household structures, for example in cases involving unmarried, cohabiting couples, children born to unmarried parents, fostering/adoption and so on.

Our Didsbury mediators are here for you

Whatever your circumstances, our Didsbury divorce mediators are here to help. We welcome initial enquiries without obligation to proceed, so please contact us if you have any questions or concerns about the mediation process and divorce in general.

If you choose to separate using our Didsbury divorce mediation services, we will help you to plan for your future and will continue to offer aftercare services, for example if you feel you need counselling on any remaining emotional stress, or advice on financial issues.

We are committed to making a brighter future for you. Dignity in Divorce – and for civil partnerships, Dignity in Dissolution – are not just mottos. They are mantras that guide us when negotiating the best possible outcomes for all involved parties.

Contact our Didsbury mediators

To speak to our Didsbury divorce mediators directly, call us on our local number, 0161 425 3940. You can also email us at marcia@marciamediation.co.uk in total confidence, alternatively you can use our contact form – please let us know how you’d like us to contact you in response, if your domestic circumstances are challenging at the moment.

All initial enquiries are welcome and there’s no obligation to proceed with mediation, even after attending an MIAM. We will give you honest, unbiased information, after which the choice is yours.
