Blog - Page 8 of 10 - Marcia Mediation

At Marcia Mediation, we adopt a forward-focused approach to financial mediation and the division of assets. ...

Owens and the argument for no fault divorce

The UK’s lack of a no fault divorce option has left a 66-year-old woman “desperately unhappy” as she is unable to divorce her husban...

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Mediation and child-inclusive divorce

Child-inclusive divorce goes hand in hand with mediation as a way of making sure any dependants have a voice throughout their parents’ separatio...

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Using mediation to write a pre-nup

Mention mediation and you might immediately think of divorce, custody battles and other issues relating to separation or the breakdown of a marriage &...

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Post-divorce care from Marcia Mediation

Marcia Mediation are here to help you see divorce as the start of a new journey, and not as the end of your current path; although it will mean separa...

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How mediation can clear the muddy waters of...

A recent Court of Appeal ruling has thrown doubt on the previously held ‘sharing principle’ that means the starting point for the division...

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Protecting children from toxic divorces

The recent ITV documentary Diana, Our Mother: Her Life and Legacy gave unprecedented insight into the effects that HRH The Prince of Wales – Cha...

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Grand-divorce on the rise as more pensioners split

The latest divorce bulletin from the Office for National Statistics, providing full-year figures for 2015, has plenty worthy of comment including the ...

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Why mediation is a must in stressful divorces

Divorce can be stressful enough, although mediation aims to reduce the stress as much as possible by overcoming seemingly impassable bones of contenti...

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Manchester Mediation For High Net Worth Individuals

Mediators in Manchester will mediate the full gamut of cases from domestic divorces to headline news, with stars of sport and television alike making ...

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Mediation Awareness Week – October 14th-20th

Saturday October 14th marks the first day of Mediation Awareness Week, an event that looks at all of the different aspects of mediation from commercia...

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Online divorce service cuts costs and stress for...

An online divorce service developed as part of £1 billion of investment into the UK justice system has the potential to speed up uncontested separati...

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Family Mediation and No Fault Divorce

In October 2015, Richard Bacon’s private members bill on No Fault Divorce, received its first reading in the House of Commons, but it has not gone a...

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Older couple listening and smiling

Meet Marcia

A pioneer for mediation since commencing legal practice as a family solicitor some seventeen years ago, Marcia has worked exclusively as an independent mediator since 2004, focussing initially on family mediation, and latterly on work place mediation.

Marcia’s accreditations include Family Mediation and she is a qualified child consultant practitioner. Her associations include the Professional Mediators Association and Resolution.
