Mediation on business - Marcia Mediation

At Marcia Mediation, we adopt a forward-focused approach to financial mediation and the division of assets. ...

You have heard it before. You need to spend more time working on your business, not in it.

Why will this help?

  1. run more smoothly
  2. innovate
  3. please more clients
  4. attract more clients
  5. motivate senior managers
  6. become more profitable
  7. become more valuable, as it…
  8. relies far less on YOU.


Well, this is the hard bit. Here are my top 10 tips.

  1. Hire a coach.
  2. Create a one page business plan that answers these questions:
    1. Why am I in business?
    2. What am i selling that is different from my competitors and that my customers will want to pay good money for-action(s)?
    3. How can I ensure my customers get the best value from my products by reference to what we do best and different -action(s)?
    4. Who will be accountable for what needs to be done –action(s)?
    5. Where do I want the business to be in the next ¼, year, 5 years?
    6. When will I take action?
  3. Keep the plan in front of you and your managers- NEVER put it in a drawer
  4. Create an accountability chart: who is accountable for what in your business.
  5. Break the plan down into quarterly bite sized chunks
  6. Have your teams meet daily for 5 minutes – standing up-to monitor progress and drive through
  7. Have a process for collecting and analysing customer feedback
  8. Have a process for collecting and analysing employee feedback
  9. Make time for networking and speaking to customers
  10. Remove the word manager from your title. Your job is to LEAD.

Why Mediation?

Because you need everyone in your business to know your purpose, to participate in your core values, to strive both for perfection and differentiation and to deliver to your customers every time.  “Building a visionary company requires 1% vision and 99% alignment”. Jim Collins HBR .There is no place for differences in your business. Mediation will eliminate them before they even dare raise to the surface and promote a positive pro-activity throughout your business.

Please contact us for more information.

Michael Lister 07767634006



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