Mediation in the Workplace: Why? - Marcia Mediation

At Marcia Mediation, we adopt a forward-focused approach to financial mediation and the division of assets. ...

A Professional Practice Perspective- Solicitors

Well, what is the alternative?

Recently we can across a case of a solicitor in a law firm, a great lawyer, one of the best in the firm but he would not use the firm’s systems.

This meant that if anyone looked at a file, you just would not know what was going to happen next and worse still the client complained because deadlines were not met.

Things were going down the disciplinary route. After a written warning, nothing improved. The client threatened to take his business elsewhere. The solicitor was becoming negative, stressed and fees were very low. The feeling was that he might well resign under the pressure, claim constructive dismissal, even discrimination and, most importantly, the firm would lose a really good lawyer.

In Business offered a different approach. Our mediator spoke to the solicitor and his boss separately. The solicitor, it transpired, was afraid to admit that he just did not know how to use the system. Whilst a first he was really defensive, eventually he realised that the system was a good one, would make life much easier for him and help him retain, new even win new clients. His boss offered further training and In Business supported that with on-going mentoring and support.

After a few weeks the solicitor felt empowered and in control. He never looked back and is now on track to partnership.

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